Business Magazine

How Can I Be of Service at SXSW in Austin?

Posted on the 22 February 2013 by Alizasherman @alizasherman

How can I be of service at SXSW in Austin?Another wild and crazy idea…

I want to park myself in a hotel lobby or other convenient location in downtown Austin near the Convention Center for SXSW.

I will put up a little sign saying “Free Consultations,” and will spend my time between meetings and events answering questions on any topic I’m familiar.

I’m couching this as “free digital marketing consultations” but also happy to answer questions about Alaska, RVing, and book writing and publishing or even more personal stuff like miscarriage and Post Partum Depression.

I will just be still, be open and see what happens.

I may be wearing my pink tiara and boa for easy identification or will have it displayed nearby.

But the main question is: Where should I park myself?

I’d like it to be a consistent spot so people can find me. And note: I do not have a SXSW pass this year. Spending my Q1 quarter travel budget on getting there with #RVSX so I’m going rogue.

This is not the same thing as offering to donate some online marketing consulting time IN-PERSON to one Austin-based or SXSW-bound nonprofit. If you are interested in that, please fill out the request form.

Ideas, thoughts, suggestions?

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