Hair & Beauty Magazine

How Camping Differs Among Different Countries and Cultures

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Did you ever wonder how camping differs among other cultures and countries? Did you think about how people from diverse origins like to camp? Well, to be precise, with hundreds of cultures across the world, there are equally numerous camping lifestyles that exist.

Camping Differs Among Different Countries Cultures

Did you know that some cultures consider camping to be a part of their identity? This article will walk you through the different cultures and countries of the world that camp with a special focus on their uniqueness.

New Zealand

This country is home to several breathtaking, scenic locations, which is why it is no surprise that New Zealanders are addicted to camping outdoors. There are more than 250 camping grounds and over 400 holiday parks within the country. Given the size of the country, this number is pretty huge.

Camping surely is a great deal in New Zealand and, more importantly, a crucial part of their culture. Usually, many of the Zealander's camp between the prime camping months of November and February.


Particularly in the regions of Northern Thailand around Chiang Mai, camping is extremely popular. The whole theme of camping was romanticized and has even been rebranded. Sights of Thai men roasting marshmallows in street fairs or sleeping in hammocks in public areas are quite common.

Camping Differs Among Different Countries Cultures

Hundreds of tents are seen on the slopes of the mountains of Mon Cham every day. People there enjoy beautiful views and great weather. The area also comprises cabins for renting, for all those who are not comfortable staying in a tent.


Germany is popular for heavy machinery and beer. In addition, the country is known for its amazing camping experiences. It is not surprising to know that Germans love camping. Camping traditions of bringing the whole extended family together are founded in their roots.

Families often go camping together and have as much fun as possible. Their camping style is loud and contains beer-induced laughter, fun, games, songs, and dances for the entire family.

It is also not uncommon to see Germans be ridiculously over-prepared for their camping excursions. They pack their camp vehicles with more gear than what is often required. From multiple tents and stoves, they carry alternates of everything.

Camping Differs Among Different Countries Cultures

Germans are fond of exploring new campgrounds, and their adventurous spirits take them to places further from their own borders to Italy and France as well.


Like Germans, Australians are also super fond of camping. They named their style of camping 'makeshift camping.' They are known for their minimalistic and ultra-lightweight camping lifestyle. They can simply crawl up in their sleeping bags and also spend nights in their trunks. This is why many Australian Tent Manufacturers design tents such that they can be set up in truck beds.

Camping Differs Among Different Countries Cultures

Camping in truck beds is also beneficial for another purpose in the country. Being raised off the ground is a sound idea for anybody living in a country that is full of animals and insects, which might be harmful and, in some cases, deathly. Rattlesnakes, fire ants, and scorpions are only some examples of the variety of animals one might encounter during a camping trip in Australia.


The Dutch enjoy camping trips as much as their German Counterparts. Summers in the Netherlands are famous for long caravans, which often block roads and cause a menace in traffic jams. They are all filled with families that are heading out to popular campsites.

Like the Germans, the Dutch also love to be over-prepared for their camping trips. They are known for bringing sophisticated gear and tonnes of food alongside extras of almost everything they carry. However, the Dutch are supremely loyal to their camping grounds, and you will be surprised to know that most of them have spent their entire vacation on one campground.


In Mongolia, camping is considered a way of life and not just a recreational activity. The Mongolian people are nomadic by nature and often travel from one place to another through deserts in search of water. Their circular tents are usually pitched facing the south for internal climate control. In addition, their tents are elaborate and adorned with shrines and guest areas.

Camping Differs Among Different Countries Cultures

Summing up

It is clear from the above camping lifestyles that people across the globe prefer staying outdoors. Whether it is the Germans or the Australians, their cultures boast of their unique camping lifestyles.

Irrespective of your culture and country, you need to invest in the right quality camping gear from popular and reliable brands like Planet Camping to make your time in the outdoors memorable!

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