Below I would like to mention the top 3 things which will totally change your mindset and will boost your confidence which will help you grow in your personal as well as professional life.
"Try asking the girl you love, maybe she can say yes, you don't know or maybe you just get too much negative about it. Now just think about it this way. If she rejects you, would you be willing to be with her your entire life? No!"
1) It's all up in the mind: You might be thinking that this is the tagline of the website, right? But if you give it a thought, it's about your mindset all the time which rules your life. Now about asking someone like your boss for an appraisal and you are afraid to approach him, just think about it the other way that if you demand for an appraisal, it will be done. Believe me, if you have worked hard and you know from your internal system that you deserve that much appraisal, you will get that hike for sure. The other scenario could be that you may have to switch your job for that appraisal in your salary. Staying positive and focused is the key. 2) It saves you time: This I learned from my life that if you don't know anything, ask for it from someone who is expert at it. When I used this thing in practical life, I realized that it can hell save a lot of time. You ask from them, you learn from them. I didn't know how to start a blog. A friend of mine was a popular blogger who helped me in setting up my blog but with her help I made friends with lots of awesome bloggers out there. I did nothing except ASKING her to help me out and she agreed. 3) Your path gets cleared out: The best gift I got was always when I asked for it. Try asking the girl you love, maybe she can say yes, you don't know or maybe you just get too much negative about it. Now just think about it this way. If she rejects you, would you be willing to be with her your entire life? No! This way by asking her the truth, you get a chance to put your life on a track an find a life partner whom you would be willing to spend your life with. It's just a matter of a little adjustment in the mind and nothing else. I would like to share my small experience I had recently when I was traveling in the Metro to my office. A guy was sketching with color pencils as usual artists fiddle with their pencils. Later I realized that he sketched me exactly how I was standing in matter of few minutes. I was surprised by the talent. He drew many other people's portrait but nobody cared. I gained some courage and approached the guy asking about to take the picture of the drawing. He smilingly agreed. I am sharing the picture with this post. You want something, ask for it. Believe me, if you don't ask for it chances are that you are rejecting yourself for that one thing. Do share your feedback with us in the comments section below.