Marketing & Advertising Magazine

How a Handwritten Letter Can Cheer Up Your Virtual Co-Workers

Posted on the 29 April 2021 by Uplarn @UPLARN_MEDIA
How a Handwritten Letter Can Cheer Up Your Virtual Co-Workers

Most people, no matter what their job or level is in a company, want to feel valued for the work they do. If you are the team leader in your company, for example, simply taking the time to send a virtual handwritten letter - which expresses your appreciation and gratitude for a job well done - to your coworkers can go a long way toward making them feel empowered and engaged at working from home.

If one of your coworkers helps you out to complete a big project, you can send them a virtual handwritten thank-you letter. You don't have to send them a long, fancy, handwritten letter. You can keep it short and sweet as long as you express your gratitude for their assistance.

For example, you can say something like, "I just wanted to let you know how much our team values the contribution that you made in the sales department." Your coworkers will surely appreciate that you noticed their work, and they will look at you positively. It's a good step in strengthening your relationships. Plus, your coworkers might be more willing to help you out in the future.

Chances are that your coworkers would like to get recognized for their hard work. While call-outs in meetings are great, a personal and thoughtful virtual handwritten note will really drive home the sense of appreciation. This leads to immediate engagement, encouraging your coworkers to continue surpassing their goals.

When creating a handwritten letter for your virtual co-workers, make sure to reference specific achievements and future objectives. This can make them feel more recognized for their work, as you called out specifics on their successes. For example, you can say, "Congratulations for completing this project in record time! Your leadership, management skills, and expertise were key to making this project successful, and I appreciate your long hours and hard work. With all the great work you're doing, I expect to see you at the Chairman's Club in the near future!"

Sending a simple handwritten note to greet your coworkers or express your sincere gratitude and apology for some misunderstanding can be a subtle way of showing respect and appreciation. This small gesture may seem quite trivial, but it can have a huge impact on your coworker's morale and productivity.

A handwritten letter can be a very effective way to motivate your coworkers and boost their morale. While handwriting a letter may take a little more time, the effort will surely cheer up your virtual coworkers.

How a Handwritten Letter Can Cheer Up Your Virtual Co-Workers

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