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Hot (colorful) Mess

By Danikaherrick @danikaherrick
I bought a bunch of paint over the weekend. I know that sounds like no big deal,  but I am talking about the paint... the paint for all the white plastered walls I've been staring at for months now! It's finally happening in slow-reno mode... trim is going up and then the painting party is about to start.
So in these past few months I've had WAY too much time to agonize over color schemes, pin my brains out and fantasize.  Ceiling patterns, door colors, glossy, flat, white or patterned. Which led to me not making any decision at all.
Then finally this Sunday I was all  "Crap, I MUST make a decision!  Paint is going up in less than a week..." The fan decks came out and colors were feverishly picked.  And then at the paint counter I changed my mind on a few colors and went with snap decisions under fluorescent lighting.  yikes.
8 gallons now sit in my garage awaiting judgment day.   I am now playing musical rooms with the cans.   The painters can't get here fast enough.  (my husband refuses to let me do the basic painting)  Him: "How can you paint designs and patterns so neatly,  but make such a mess just painting a wall solid?" Me: "I don't know.  Its fun for about 10 minutes and then I get  bored and distracted and I just want to get it over with.  I guess I go too fast."
As I wait I am driving myself bonkers  with second guessing and color rearranging.
What I can tell you is there are a whole lotta blues happening. And some corally, orange red with a dash of citron tossed in. And some white.   And a big bunch of design schizophrenia. Really, I can pick colors for anyone else, just not myself. 
I restrained myself from going too heavy on the reds, but I have been crushing on this idea lately... Hot (colorful) Mess and this...
Hot (colorful) Mess
Hot (colorful) Mess
Hot (colorful) Mess  and I daydreamed about painting a room in some form of chinoiserie fabulous like these... Hot (colorful) Mess
Hot (colorful) Mess Or doing something fun like this in the boy's room... Hot (colorful) Mess
Hot (colorful) Mess  And while I may be on a red kick at the moment (thank you autumn),   I know choosing colors during a seasonal change is about as smart as  doing it while drunk and PMS-ing-  so I may wind up restraining myself a bit and playing it bit more safe...
Hot (colorful) Mess  or returning to orange... Hot (colorful) Mess  or not... Hot (colorful) Mess  or just blue with orange accents... Hot (colorful) Mess  or not. Hot (colorful) Mess Yes, it is official.  I have Color Paralysis.  I have to remember it's only paint and that this is the fun part! (And I will probably change things up when Spring rolls into town.)
Inspiration via Pinterest Hell

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