The other day when I was out foraging I found some patches of wild Horseradish. It's easy to spot because of its very distinctive leaves.
I suppose this Horseradish is feral rather than wild... Nevertheless, on a foraging trip something like this is fair game, so I did stop to dig some up, because I know Jane loves Horseradish sauce. I hate the stuff!
It looks most unprepossessing at this stage, but Jane assured me it would be great.
As you can probably guess, I planted one piece (the little bit on the left in the photo above) in my garden. I'll probably live to regret this, because Horseradish allegedly spreads rapidly.
On Saturday night Jane made a dinner with roast beef, which was an ideal opportunity for her to try making Horseradish cream. My role was to prepare the Horseradish, while she whipped some cream.
You treat it just like fresh Ginger - peel the rough skin off, and then grate the white inner part of the root:
Horseradish is pretty pungent, so you don't need much.
The grated root is then added to the whipped cream, and "Voila"... Horseradish Cream.
Good with roast beef. Allegedly....