In the village Horopito, which is situated near a settlement named Ohakune (it is popular among skiers and snowborders), one can visit a homemade museum of vintage cars. In other words it is a vintage car dump. From the whole New Zealand old cars are brought here to be dismantled. It is the place where cars pass away.
We paid a small fee on the entrance and were allowed to browse the museum building and the museum yard thoroughly. There I made more than fifty photos. I am going to show them in parts. Today I suggest you take a look at the dusty storage shelves with vintage automobile parts.
It is popular now in New Zealand to assemble a vintage car and make a parade of it in the streets.

I believe the main source of revenue for the company is the extraction, sale and mounting of the car parts. Here, on its official site, you can learn more about Horopito Motor Wreckers.

I think this shelf with number plates and other possible vintage tables could attract attention of some people for a long time. Below there are some photos showing heaped up (as if accidentally) shelves. Choose any grid.

I like this picture, perhaps, more than others. As you can guess, blue-and-green light is the result of roof plastic color.

Bottles are placed about the “museum” for the purpose of decoration only.

Anti-Zen – too many useless things.

For a while, I'll divert your attention away from the automobile junk and show some charming (for me) objects. They are old typewriters and a cash register.
An absolutely nice picture of children's rubber boots and a diminutive typewriter – it's very “mimimi” (hate that mem).

First I assumed that it is a cash register but in fact the device looks like some accountant's tool for making tables and calculations. Any ideas what it can be?

There is some charm in vintage devices like these.

Steer any wheel!

A lot of shelves are crammed into this two-storied building which only seems so small.

Parts are classified.

In one corner there are all possible manuals and instruction sheets.

The rest of non-classified museum pieces is stored outdoors. The displays are just heaped up in a rather large area outside.

This part I will show in the next post.
To be continued, for sure, so stay in touch!