Charity Magazine

Hope For 2012

Posted on the 03 January 2012 by Mregina @justfundraising

ok so we’re back for a new year of Fundraising and Charity news. Lets leave 2011 behind because I know that for a lot of charity organizations, schools, churches etc it was a very lean year. Fundraising activities are increasingly important to keeping things going. I think we can all see that.

With that said, lets move on.

So what will you work towards this year?

2012 is a brand new year with new opportunities. Do you want to expand services, help animals, fund a well in Africa, provide new musical equipment for your school band? I’ll even accept personal resolutions to this question to see what people are coming up with.

Drop us your comments and lets see what you are excited about for 2012.

Hope for Fundraisers in 2012

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