Today is Memorial Day here in the United States and I am dedicating my blog today to the men and women, past and present who have served in the military and their families.
My grandfather served in Navy during World War II. He was on a ship near Japan most of that time serving as a signalman. He was one of those guys who knew Morse code like a second language and how to use flares to communicate over the seas.
I served 20 years in the Air Force and am happily retired. My what a difference 20 years makes! Here is a photo of me shortly after I joined, during Operation Desert Storm…

..and one of me at my retirement ceremony.

I know what its like to serve and the tremendous sacrifices that are involved with military life. I have the utmost respect for the military. I hope you take a moment today to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
I would love to hear your stories about a loved one who served.
If you are an American, I hope you are flying your flag proudly today.