If any of you are thinking about doing graduate school, or have already started, let me tell you something not to do. Never wait until 6 hours before the due date to turn in 5 assignments. I just marathoned what should have been 10 hours of writing and reading assignments in about 5 hours, and somehow I got it all done with my sanity intact amazingly, although there were a few moments when I wanted to hurl a glass against the wall and throw my computer at the wall too. To say the least I am completely over graduate school, and would quit if my fear and long term goals didn't outweigh my current stress. I don't know how people work full time, do school full time and have a family or a relationship; I can barely keep up and I have just me currently to think about. Well somehow January is over (thank God) and February is here, and I actually just found out that the Superbowl is over with the Seahawks beating the Broncos (creaming them more accurately) and also that Philip Seymour Hoffman died; major bummer. I wonder how that will effect The Hunger Games? So far Da Vinci's Demons is an excellent show, which is a little fantastical than realistic, but it is a whole lot of fun, and yes I do have a bias and fatal flaw for historical fiction. Hopefully it will turn out better than The Borgias did towards the end. So I have been struggling to survive work and graduate school which leaves very little room for anything else. That means I suck at managing my time, or....well, I guess I'm not certain what else that would mean. It keeps snowing out here in the midwest, which is supremely vexing and irritating, and it is so doggone cold. I long for the warm sunshine of San Diego, the palm trees and beaches, and sand. Lovely. Basically where I was going with all of that is my writing has gone the way of the dinosaur currently, although I wish it wasn't so; I am discovering more than ever how much I wish I could just be a writer full time and have that be my career, job, and make money; that would be perfect. I do want to be an I-O psychologist, but at the same time writing is what I am most passionate about, along with film and politics, which I will endeavor to say minimum at the moment. Hopefully this month I will have something significant to post concerning Book II, but who knows. The Oscars are coming up, March 2nd I believe, and the Olympics begin this Friday in Sochi, Russia. Hopefully it will not be a Munich style Olympics, but apparently security is up to scratch. I will begin my Oscar countdown tomorrow, but I have a feeling people will care very little for films when the Olympics will be featured on prime time. Well I need to get some shut eye, but take care of everyone and have a lovely beginning of the week! Maleficent trailer (looks better than teaser) Oscars 2014!