Entertainment Magazine

Homework Marathon.

Posted on the 03 February 2014 by Jamesswezey
Homework Marathon.If any of you are thinking about doing graduate school, or have already started, let me tell you something not to do. Never wait until 6 hours before the due date to turn in 5 assignments. I just marathoned what should have been 10 hours of writing and reading assignments in about 5 hours, and somehow I got it all done with my sanity intact amazingly, although there were a few moments when I wanted to hurl a glass against the wall and throw my computer at the wall too. To say the least I am completely over graduate school, and would quit if my fear and long term goals didn't outweigh my current stress. I don't know how people work full time, do school full time and have a family or a relationship; I can barely keep up and I have just me currently to think about. Well somehow January is over (thank God) and February is here, and I actually just found out that the Superbowl is over with the Seahawks beating the Broncos (creaming them more accurately) and also that Philip Seymour Hoffman died; major bummer. I wonder how that will effect The Hunger Games? So far Da Vinci's Demons is an excellent show, which is a little fantastical than realistic, but it is a whole lot of fun, and yes I do have a bias and fatal flaw for historical fiction. Hopefully it will turn out better than The Borgias did towards the end. So I have been struggling to survive work and graduate school which leaves very little room for anything else. That means I suck at managing my time, or....well, I guess I'm not certain what else that would mean. It keeps snowing out here in the midwest, which is supremely vexing and irritating, and it is so doggone cold. I long for the warm sunshine of San Diego, the palm trees and beaches, and sand. Lovely. Basically where I was going with all of that is my writing has gone the way of the dinosaur currently, although I wish it wasn't so; I am discovering more than ever how much I wish I could just be a writer full time and have that be my career, job, and make money; that would be perfect. I do want to be an I-O psychologist, but at the same time writing is what I am most passionate about, along with film and politics, which I will endeavor to say minimum at the moment. Hopefully this month I will have something significant to post concerning Book II, but who knows. The Oscars are coming up, March 2nd I believe, and the Olympics begin this Friday in Sochi, Russia. Hopefully it will not be a Munich style Olympics, but apparently security is up to scratch. I will begin my Oscar countdown tomorrow, but I have a feeling people will care very little for films when the Olympics will be featured on prime time. Well I need to get some shut eye, but take care of everyone and have a lovely beginning of the week!
Maleficent trailer (looks better than teaser)
Oscars 2014! 

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