Lifestyle Magazine

Homemade Herbal Shampoo

By Ngscents @ngscents

Homemade-Herbal-ShampooHomemade Herbal Shampoo 

You can do a lot of good with DIY home recipes if you know what you’re doing in advance, but it will take a good bit of knowledge and work to make them happen. One such recipe is what we will point out ahead, making a homemade herbal shampoo. Before you begin you will need the following materials:

  • Roughly 2 ounces of unscented castile soap
  • 5 ounces of water infused with your choice of herbs
  • Quarter spoon of carrier oil or more if you have dry hair
  • 20-40 drops of essential oil of your choice

The herbal infusion should be the first step on your list, using a teaspoon or a pinch of each herb you want to place in the shampoo and placing it in a heatproof glass or jar. Pour a cup of simmering hot water over them and cap it off, letting it steep like that for a few hours. You can then strain it and take about 5 ounces of it. You can use the rest for bathwater or you can combine it with vinegar to make a refreshing hair rinse.

Using your castile soap, essential oil and carrier oil, mix them into the water you just set aside. You then need to stir it until they are mixed together. Make sure you avoid making bubbles if possible, as they will only make the job harder. You will then need to pour it all into a container you can use for bathing. An old shampoo bottle will do the trick just fine.

You can work with small batches of this shampoo at a time, storing the rest inside your fridge if you need to. You can have a shelf life of a few weeks at least, but you would still do well to check for problems regardless, since this is a homemade product without the chemicals present in commercial brands. You need to work by swirling or shaking the shampoo before each use, as it will have settled before you take a bath. You may want to follow that up with a bit of water and a bit of vinegar as well.

There can be a combination of fresh and dry herbs used for your purposes, but each and every one of them will be a different scent in the overall combination. Some of them are better for certain types of hair, while others not so much. Here are some examples to get you started:

  • Chamomile is often used for lighter hair, while rosemary can be used for darker hair, but you can mix things if you feel like it. You can also make a great floral shampoo by using lavender, violets and roses as well as other flowers that pretty much match the essential oils you plan on using. You can also use thyme, tea tree oil and rosemary to make that happen as well.
  • Calendula and comfrey are also quite useful if you have scalp issues, as well as rosemary. Lavender can help heal a dry and itchy scalp, so it makes a great choice for herbal shampoos.

You should take great care when you work, since you may make a mess that requires careful cleaning. Although this is still soap, you don’t want to have it spill all over. Carpet cleaning, floor cleaning and even more cleaning will be necessary if you make a mess, so try to work in a location that allows you to deal with it without it.

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