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HomeGoods Finds for Our Home Makeover

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
I mentioned in my post yesterday that the HomeGoods in our area opened up over the weekend.  So as any NORMAL person would do, I stopped in for DAILY visits since Friday evening.  
From Friday to Monday, the store got completely picked over.  I may have been a little at fault for that. ;-)
When those doors opened, I went into stealth mode.  They said they would tag items for us that were large and they would have them brought to the front.  It was AWESOME!  Well, I thought so, but the poor boy, who looked like it was his first day of work EVER, was like a deer in head lights when we came through the doors. 
 No worries,  I spotted him on Monday and he looked like an old pro.
I had a large list of items that I was on the look out for.  I have been looking for specific counter height bar stools since I saw that someone online had purchased them at their HomeGoods recently.  I wanted some throw blankets,white rolling desk chairs for the office makeover, artwork for the entryway, desk lamps for the office, and some accessories. 
HomeGoods Finds for our Home Makeover  The turquoise and white solid chevron patterned throws where $25 each.  Which to me was a great price because they look like a knock off from Pottery Barn's throw blankets (see below) that are selling for $79.  
Grand Chenille Throw Pottery Barn
HomeGoods Finds for our Home Makeover
HomeGoods Finds for our Home Makeover  I also picked up a couple of 18 x 18 throw pillows to bring in more of the chartreuse green.  They are a little deeper in color than the picture is showing.  HomeGoods had tons of these in different patterns and colors.  My mom picked up the same ones in gray for her couch.
HomeGoods Finds for our Home Makeover
I ended up finding the exact stools that I had been searching for. I know that my friend was talking to me at the same moment that I made eye contact with these babies, but I couldn't tell you for the life of me what she was talking about since I sort of yelled, "Oooh, there they are" and took off on a slight sprint.  Did I mention I was on a mission, lol.  Do you ever zone people out while you are shopping or is it just me?  I'm usually good about it, unless I know that 50 people are behind me wanting to buy up HomeGoods ;-)
HomeGoods Finds for our Home Makeover
Here is the chair that I purchased for the office.  I was able to get two of them for $99 each.  It was a great deal since they are running around $200-$250 online.  We are going to put a desk area in the back part of the office and these are the chairs that I had hoped to find for Dustin and I.  
HomeGoods Finds for our Home Makeover I found the two brown spheres in small and medium to go on my console table or somewhere in the house and I found this sunburst mirror to possibly go above the unit.  It is made of metal and has a brown and light turquoise finish.  I like the mix of color that it has and I think once the walls in the hallway are painted a shade of gray, the sunburst will stand out nicely.
I think overall, this was a very successful shopping trip and makes me even happier knowing I got some really good deals on stuff for our house.
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HomeGoods Finds for our Home Makeover
Seaside Interiors

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