MMT has been mentioned, though not yet accurately described, in several of Paul Krugman 8767 s columns for the New York Times. And certain aspects of it have been noticed even more widely in the media for MMT is the theoretical basis of the 8775 trillion-dollar coin 8776 approach to fiscal cliffs. (The idea was first proposed and debated on Warren Mosler 8767 s website.) In short, MMT is getting harder and harder to ignore. And since it really does have answers to some of the world 8767 s most urgent and otherwise perplexing questions, it seems likely that MMT will soon become quite impossible to ignore. What follows is written to try to hasten that day.
Th e Five-Paragraph Essay and the Defi cit Model of Education
Due to the popularity of this post since May, in October I wrote about strategies for effective narrative writing --especially for personal statements--that avoid the traditional five-paragraph form.
Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now... The Case for Good Enough
I'll also quote the College Board here: "Although such formulaic approaches may provide minimal organization, they often encourage unnecessary repetition and fail to engage the reader. Students should be encouraged to place their emphasis on content, purpose, and audience and to allow this to focus to guide the organization of their writing."
SHORT ESSAY ONDr. . Abdul Kalam - Rosemary
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Most popular misconceptions about job-guarantee work as inefficient 8775 make-work 8776 ignore these private-sector dynamics. It is simply assumed that if the publicly-funded workers don 8767 t personally contribute to making shoes or soap, their wages will result in 8775 more money chasing the same goods 8776 and that this will automatically cause inflation. This is an obvious fallacy which has been empirically falsified many, many times, but most people continue to treat it as an article of economic faith. So, one of MMT 8767 s most pressing tasks today is to make the case that we can, indeed, end mass unemployment without undermining price stability.
If you want to approach your teacher, just ask him/her about persuasion. We like to have real conversations with students--especially about writing. Maybe ask, "How did you learn to convince people with your writing?" If you want to challenge the teacher's instruction, you can do that simply by saying, "May I try something different for this one? Here's what I'm thinking... " When students offer different suggestions to me, as long as they make sense for the assignment, I say, "Sure." If there's no way your teacher will accept variations. Then, try the variations on your own. Experiment with writing for you, not for the grade.
Hi Jeannie, thanks for posting. An easy way to get some samples is to check out my journalism students' blog on Chicago Now: "Whatchoo Got to Say?" If you type in Hancock in the search box of the ChicagoNow home page, you'll get to it. Some of the pieces are narrative some are news stories. However, some good examples of argumentative essays are on Affirmative Action and homeless hotspots. I hope this helps.
Another damaging aspect of using five paragraphs is that students find it almost impossible to do anything but write in expository paragraphs. If we use Aristotle's original form instead, students are able to incorporate compare/contrast, cause/effect, definition, or analysis paragraphs as appropriate. We'll have more modes to teach students will have more options.
Well, first we have to outlaw the bribes, that we euphemistically call campaign contributions, before we have any semblance of a democracy.
Here they are again, although you have blown them off several times now so I don't really know why I am bothering (except maybe that your obvious uncomfortableness with being challenged is entertaining- I know a lot of teachers who have been in the saddle too long who have this disease of being defensive and dismissive of challenges that they are unprepared for.)
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