As work progresses on the rebuilding of the jungle hut our thoughts are turning to the completion of this and also the house itself. One question from the builders last week was where to route the drain pipes and gutters. We previously had connected one side to a water butt, however with the extended deck area this may not work the way it had before. The current plan is to use the water to irrigate the tree ferns on one side and bamboo on the other. We wont be able to capture the water and get the design right. Perhaps its just as well that we do have water butts on the small shed to help though the dry summer periods (if we manage to get any that is!)
We are still anticipating that the new building will be completed this week, however with a bad storm forecast for this evening it is possible that things may get delayed if our builders get called away to assist with storm damage elsewhere - hopefully our garden will be spared any damage. We have taken basic precautions, placing pots onto the ground that were elevated, and removing the various agaves that sat on the pond wall. Neither of us fancied the idea of having to try and get a sunken pot from the bottom of the pond, October isn't exactly the best time to be diving in with the koi.

We moved these in case the gusts of wind blew them into the pond
Just a small gimpse of the pond, we know we still need to share photos of the completed pond but with the very hectic summer we have had this was delayed. We will share them soon I promise :)
However we have mostly spent this weekend working on the house itself, the weather being too wet and windy to enjoy being outside, and we are nearing the end of the various projects. It is nice that most of the rooms the builders had worked on are now complete, so we have been busy setting up the kitchen and lounge how we want them, unpacking boxes and cleaning. Somehow builders dust manages to get into sealed boxed, I don't know how they manage it!!
Lets hope the storm passes without too many problems.