I love food. My 2 year old son’s most common phrase around our house is “I EAT.” It’s not a question, or a demand, but more of a blanket statement. He has a gruff, low voice and a body shape that resembles Fred Flintstone. He’s just delicious.
He fell down the stairs a few days ago. Poor fella. But thankfully, he’s covered in a layer of muscle and and even thicker layer of fluff so he rolled off that bottom step unscathed. At least nothing a kiss on his toe couldn’t fix. Thank goodness for fat toddlers. They basically just bounce.
Anyhow, he got his love of food from me I guess, and so I have to share with you my newest obsession.
FERMENTED HUMMUS…ferm…ferment…fermashutthefrontdoor..
Didn’t know you could ferment hummus? Neither did I. But I found this ah-mazing farmer who, along with his wife and 11 children, creates all sorts of delicious probiotic goodies that will forever replace costly probiotic pills in my refrigerator.
I bought a pint and, I kid you not, I ate 1/2 of it the first night. With a spoon. I couldn’t find a vehicle for the stuff that didn’t detract from the amazing flavor so I just dug in, like it was a snak-pak, back before I knew that those things were basically just a cup full of chemical goo.
My husband tried it and was like “oh, that’s good.” I snatched that container away from him so fast. Nope, no more for you Mr. Laissez Faire. If you don’t freaking flip your sh.. lid over this goodness you don’t get any more.
It’s a lot like bean paste, if you’ve had it, and will explode the same way when opened if you’re not careful.
On that note, bean paste is so good that I *might* have scraped some off the window and into my mouth because I just couldn’t handle the thought of wasting an ounce of that gloriousness. Judge away. Don’t care. My buds are happy.
Life-changer I tell you. I’m going to see if Mr. Fermented Farmer will come to my house and teach me (and YOU) how to make it for yourself. I don’t have any pictures because we all eat it so fast around here. It looks just like hummus, but tastes about 100X more delicious.
You know what else Fermented Hummus is good for? An appropriate, yet satisfying substitute for cursing while your kids are around. Seriously, the next time you stub your toe or get in a near-accident try yelling “Fermented Hummus!!!” It’s oddly satisfying and won’t scar your children.
You’re welcome.
In hind sight, I should have used it when I broke my right pinkie toe for the fifth time. I have the longest toes known to man-kind and they frequently wrap themselves around chair legs and in blankets. I’ve broken this one so many times that it pretty much just cracks at the slightest bump.
Oh, and on a side note, just about the ONLY thing I ever buy “Fat free” in the store is hummus, because it’s the only way to find it without nasty oils added. Organic is a must.
Random you say? Nope, totally appropriate. Because I’m hoping to encourage you all to try foods that other countries eat on the regular, that people have been eating for hundreds, if not thousands of years, that have countless health benefits. It just so happens that this super health food is delicious. If you are able to find some, do not hesitate. You won’t be sorry.
Start asking around, you may be surprised at who you can find! I found my farmer throughout the dairy guy at Whole Foods!
Happy Tuesday everyone.