I am back here blogging after a most lovely family weekendcelebrating Thanksgivingandjust being together!

I spent last week styling the tablescape with the luxury of time to let it build into what I had envisioned.
I wanted to combine traditionwith some SoCal whimsy.

But on the very top of my Holiday entertaining listwas rearranging our space so that it was truly one Great Roomrather than two smaller 'rooms'it has always been in the past.

I learned from throwing my daughter's Bridal Showerhow impactfulsimply rearranging furniture can be towards the end game of true group inclusiveness.
We swapped out our upholstered dining chairsfor some retro rentalswhich also made the space feel bigger.

Our house by Southern California standardsis actually quite smallbut I have never wanted it's sizeto hold me back from luxurious entertaining.

I have found many times over the yearsthat smaller spacescan actually add to the feeling of intimacywhen entertaining.

I let go of traditionally well placed furnitureas inmoving couches against the wallforgoing fireplace usagein order to truly open up the spaceso that everyone could feel a part of conversations.

On the opposite side of the roomshelves under the stairs were turned into a well stocked barensuring more space in the kitchen for my husband and daughter'spreparation of an amazing meal!

I brought in the same garnishesfor the bar areasas I used on the dining table.

The front and back patios were also made ready if anyone wanted to be outside.

I had my outfit for entertaining picked and readyhigh low dress and kimonosans hat.
That is something I have learned the hard way.So many times in years pastI would plan and prepare for hostessing at homeonly to realize I had not even paid attention to what I was going to wear.My hostessing mood definitely suffered for it.
Now I know that how I feel about myself and what I'm wearingis such an important part in my entertainingbecause the better I feel about myselfthe more I have to give to all of my guests!

I also try to make sure I have all of my holiday styling and guest room prepdone by the day beforeso I can be relaxed enoughto savor visiting familyrather than being rushed and frazzled .
I am ever so grateful that Jeff and Ellislove to cook our Thanksgiving feast!
People sharing their individual passionsand giftsmake for the very best in celebrating!

I was most happy with this years centerpiecethat I built up from a huge driftwood pieceon top of a gray flannel tablecloth.It's the same one I used last year HERE.
I love using flannel straight from the fabric store.The color choice is largeand there is absolutely no sewing involved!

To the driftwood I added a spectacular AirPlant with planted paper whites in glass urnsfinished with slate pebbles.
Two garden cloches added height and structure.
My newest styling additiontiny dew lights on copper wirespowered by battery packsthat I tucked under the plants.
I am so tickled with these lightsI have added them all over the house!They have a timer for six hourswith a safety shut off.
I have seen these lights sold all over this seasonand now even Target carries themat a great price!

I sprinkled in some SoCal colorwith some small citrus.I garnished each place setting with rosemary from the garden.I held off trimming so I had plenty to decorate with!

I love adding incollected whimsical salt and pepper shakersbetween place settings.Functional and fun.

I once again used tiny art easels with chalkboard namesfor place cards.

In the endit was family sitting around the tablethat was the most beautiful part of the Holiday Tablescape.

For mefamily gathered around a table to share a celebratory mealis sacred time spent.
It's so much more about the togetherness.The taking the timeto be togetherthat touches my heart.

Because I am of an agethat realizes what a tremendous gift it isto celebrate with loved ones.
To hold hands with loved ones with us here todayandto keep those who have passed on in our hearts.
Through years with an estranged childI have learned how to celebrate those who choose to sit at our tablewhile always having an open heart for those we miss.
This is the second year our oldest son is back with us for Thanksgiving.I mention this to offer hope to those traveling that same painful path.Things can turn around.
I am so grateful he is back.I am equally grateful for all those at our table this year.It felt like a beautiful exhaleto have everyoneincluding the newest addition to our familyour daughter's husband sitting down togetherfor a celebratory meal of gratitude.
Such a tremendous giftsimply to be together.

I am of an agewhere I have learned I can celebrate holidays with joy and gratitudewhile also keeping my heart opento sit quietly with those who grievewith my arms tightly wrapped around.
For this is life.
This is true holidays.
Not everyone comes to the Holiday Table at the same place in life.We must remember to give grace to those who grieveand celebrate with joy those who are seeing life from a peak.
It is the love we sharethat binds us tight.
May your holiday season be filled with muchjoy, love and grace.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life