Fashion Magazine

Holiday Paperwhites

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Holiday Paperwhites
One of my favorite Holiday traditions is planting 
Paper Whites.
They are incredibly easy to plantandcan last the entire Holiday season!
Holiday Paperwhites
The bulbs can be planted in virtually anything.
They can  be frown in water, gravel rocks or soil.
Above I have planted them in vintage drawersthat complimented my design scheme.
Holiday Paperwhites
For one of my centerpiece plantingsI am use a wooden trough.
Holiday Paperwhites
Each year I buy 200 quality bulbs.This gives me plenty for my centerpiecesas well as plenty to plant for Holiday Gifts!
Holiday Paperwhites
Once you have everything you needthe process couldn't be easier!
Holiday Paperwhites
First decided what you want to plant your bulbs in.
Holiday Paperwhites
I use a quality potting soil next.I think it's remarkable how little soil the bulbs actually need.I have had great success using even this shallow trough!
Holiday Paperwhites
I simply set the bulbs on the top of the soilbecause I love the aesthetics of seeing the bulb.But you can bury the bulb if you prefer.
Then I give them a good watering.
I keep the soil moist throughout their growing
with a weekly deep watering.
Holiday Paperwhites
Next I finish the planting with either moss or gravel rocks.
Holiday Paperwhites
Here is the finished planting.I so enjoy watching the bulbs change daily.
The key to steady growth of your paper whites is keeping
the soil damp,
Holiday Paperwhites
Once the bulbs get going they grow fast!
Holiday Paperwhites
This is one of my favorite stages right before the flowers burst open!
Holiday Paperwhites
Here they are in full blooming glory!
Holiday Paperwhites
Holiday Paperwhites
Another great thing about Paper Whitesis they transition wonderfullyinto the New Year!
Holiday Paperwhites
Holiday Paperwhites
Holiday Paperwhites
Holiday Paperwhites
As always my friends
I wish you love and joy as you style your life

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