Fashion Magazine

Hockey at Fenway

By Alustforallseasons @bgstrzelczyk
Hockey at Fenway Hockey at Fenway  Hockey at Fenway  Hockey at Fenway Hockey at Fenway Hockey at Fenway  Hockey at Fenway
I planned on making a montage of all the awesome things that happened Saturday at Frozen Fenway -- and I made sure to tell everyone and anyone that would listen. I was clearly drunk and/or suffering from hypothermia since the reality is I have NO clue how to actually make a montage. So yeah. Sorry, friends. I guess I thought it would be as easy as editing video and adding some music -- which I CAN do as is evident by this video of Lou/Paul playing fetch -- but it's not. It's so much harder! Especially when Windows Live Movie Maker keeps crashing on you (For the record, iMovie is WAY better.)
So long story short, there is no montage -- though if you scroll through the photos while listening to Jock Jams, you kind of get my vision. 
(P.S. Huskies lost. Sad face.)

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