I’m finally back on my blog after a a time of transition. We recently moved into our new place in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and between shopping for furniture, hanging pictures and waiting over a week for our internet to be connected, we have been quite busy. I hope to continue to put up posts of our travels to the places we have been.
Newfoundland is a great place if you love the outdoors. This island on the east coast of Canada has about half a million people and just about as many moose. The island is chocked full of areas waiting to be explored. One of the best ways to do this is to pack a lunch, water, and put on your hiking shoes. Which is exactly what I did yesterday.

I was invited by a friend to go on a young adult hike that was being organized between a few churches. The hike is a part of the East Coast Trail system which boasts hundreds of kilometers of trails to be trekked on. Our particular route would take us along the coast from Cape Spear to Maddox Cove. This is an easy to moderate hike of about 10 kms.

Even though most of the trail was flat and easy going, it went along the edge of the cliffs. If you decided to get too close to the side or slipped, you would definitely be in for a long drop with a painful thud to follow.

Newfoundland has often been nicknamed the “Rock” and though I sometimes don’t agree with this description, I can see how the name came to be. The rugged coastline that can be seen around the island is not full of sandy beaches, but rocky beauty.

These two rocks caught my eye. They seem to be posing as they sit there on the shoreline. There is actually a smaller rock tucked underneath the rock on the left.

This was near the end of our hike. Our destination in plain view. Our lunches had been consumed, water had been downed,shoes well worn in, and a good long hike was under our belts. If you want to explore Newfoundland, you need to get off the pavement and onto the beaten trails.