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High Flying Fun with DIY Kites

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

This week’s DIY Post is going to be short and sweet (thanks to a nasty sinus infection and a lack of coherent brain power from yours truly). Luckily, the internet doesn’t require sound so you can’t hear my hacking cough and croaky voice. I finally got it back today (sort of). I’m still working on the feeling better part.

When I was thinking of what to write about for my first March post, my mind immediately thought of the old weather adage that my first grade teacher taught me: “March roars in like a lion and out like a lamb.” It has been exceptionally windy in Alabama so far this month so I thought that a DIY kite post was in order.

These kite projects are easy to follow and fun for adults and kids alike. Because kites are easily destroyed (or at least the ones I had as a kid were) I focused on using recycled materials or other items that can be found in almost any household.  So gather your string and prepare for some cheap and high-flying fun!

Wax Paper Kites

This DIY by GiddyGiddy is perhaps the most adorable kite tutorial (and family) that I have seen so far. The directions are easy to follow, but this one will require more than just a few minutes to assemble. The cuteness factor is upped by using colored wax paper, but you could also use regular wax paper and achieve air-worthy results. GiddyGiddy's blog is good for more than one look through. There are a number of other crafting projects that are totally worth trying out. Click the image for instructions.

Plastic Bag Kite

We have an unending supply of plastic bags that we keep around the house. We use them for garbage bags for our small trash cans, for bagging up plan trimmings around the yard (and now that I have this tutorial from WikiHow) for making kites! All you need are a couple of sticks, a few plastic bags and some string. You could jazz it up with a Sharpie marker or fly it in it's undressed state. Either way, it's fun for an afternoon of fun (or more, if you avoid crashing it into the ground). Click the image for instructions.

Crepe Paper Goldfish

This DIY from LightlyEnchanted isn't a kit in the traditional sense, but it's still fun to make. This is perfect project for younger children and will take much less time to create than a regular kite. Kids don't normally care about the engineering process, they just want to play with the finished product. This one uses the leftover cardboard tube from rolls of toilet paper or paper towels, orange crepe paper, and glue. You could mix up the colors and create rainbow fish, or stick with the plan and pay homage to the traditional Chinese goldfish kite by using orange. I remember flying kites and my youngest sister always had a hard time coordinating the running and throwing actions needed to get a kite off the ground. Even the youngest of children can still have fun waving it around in the yard and it won't fly off into the sunset when the string runs out. Click on the image for instructions.

The kite DIYs above are strictly for the pleasure of flying. However, there are apparently entire sports built around kites and harnessing the power of the wind. Power Kiting, Kitesurfing and Kiteboarding all have their own communities and terminology, and they look like a fun hobby for those who aren’t afraid of taking risks with their body.

Just try not to do it like this guy.

Happy kiting!

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