Home Magazine

Hidden Causes to Your Skyrocketing Electricity Bill

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

home breaker confusion

“Our electric bill is WHAT?”

Have you thought or yelled that same question? New and long-time homeowners have at least one thing in common. They never get past the sticker shock when their electric bill comes in significantly higher than normal. Despite efforts to reduce energy use and installing energy efficient products, there could be other sources of problems counteracting your attempts to reduce your energy bill. Unfortunately, some of these causes will not be blatantly obvious. The problem could be coming from your home’s structure or construction.

Knob and Tube Wiring

Renovations and home repairs of older homes can often reveal dated applications of electrical wiring. Knob and tube wiring is one. According to Olivia Hunt, this type of wiring is ungrounded, and separates the black and white wires by several inches. It also lacks the insulation and uses less copper than today’s wires do. It is most common in homes built prior to the 1950s. Discovering knob and tube wiring often results in rewiring the affected area, usually your entire home. This is because the older wires’ insulation has worn down in the 60-plus years of existence, and poses a fire hazard for your home.

Electric Panels or Breakers

Electric panels are usually only the focus of attention when the power goes out. Consider the location of your electric panel. Is it under constant sun exposure? If so, the plastic pieces can easily become brittle, causing them to break off and be ineffective for you. Additionally, the thin wires and circuitry boards inside can become fried, which causes the electricity in other areas of your home to overcompensate.

electric surge

Power Surges

Power line surges can be another source of spikes in your electricity bill. It is a headache when power lines surge, which causes your home appliances to shut down and restart, making it necessary to reset all the alarms and clocks throughout your home. Do you ever stop to wonder what the power shutdowns and surges do to your home’s electricity on a daily basis? According to safeelectricity.org, there are several unnoticed power surges each day! What does this mean for you? While power surges will not be noticeable on your energy bills, it can have costly effects. When any of your electrical products experience a voltage increase, usually a quick jolt, it affects the quality of the power. It can short out batteries or the actual product, if a strong enough electric jolt travels to your products. Electricians and home improvement experts often recommend surge protectors and circuit panels that help control voltage amounts delivered to your products.

Hidden House Cracks

Just installed energy efficient windows and still not noticing a difference in your heating or cooling bills? Your house may be to blame. Over time, houses settle and often create gaps in key areas, letting hot and cold air in or out. This could be a contributing part of why your electricity bills are abnormal. Your base subfloor can shift and create small or very noticeable gaps at the base of the house at ground level, the attic and your house frame, or even the jams around your windows and doors. If several pockets of air exist, they create a vacuum effect, affecting your heating and cooling bills.

Energy Servicer

Everyone wants someone to blame, and in some homeowners’ case, it could very well be your electric company. Before you scream at your electric company representative with the assumption of bill adjusting, consider that it could be the cost of servicing your area. If you are able to, shop around for electric service to see who will give you the type of service at an acceptable cost with great customer service. You will need to rely on your electric company in the case of any natural disaster or home need for monitoring and servicing.

Seek a trusted electrician or home inspector to target the areas raising your energy bills. These experts can provide valuable advice and solutions to assist in lowering your monthly bill. If you do not take action, your energy bills will continue to fluctuate from fixable problems, leaving you with a monthly headache.

Mister Sparky vans on residential street #2

Author Bio: Mister Sparky is a national electrician service with a new location servicing the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Our on-time guarantee impresses our customers, but our customer service surpasses their expectations. Trust us to give you valuable insight and educated answers or solutions to all of your home’s electrical needs. If you are experiencing unusual electric bills, book your appointment with us today and get answers!

Hidden Causes to Your Skyrocketing Electricity Bill by Sarah Marchant

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