TV & Video Magazine

Hi Ho! It’s off the the Pole They Go!

Posted on the 01 December 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

wwtwAnd they are off!

After a few delays caused by extreme weather and equipment issues,  the race to the South Pole officially started today at 13:35 GMT (around 8:35 EST AM). Taking with them our favorite Swede, Alexander Skarsgård.

In celebration of the start to the challenge, Walking With the Wounded shared these pictures from the starting line on their Facebook page (and twitter).

Alex at the WWTW startingline
all teams (1)
all teams (2)
C Dickinson
Starting Line forming
Team Noom Coach Polar Guide Inge Solheim
Team Noom Ivan and Inge

Due to the extreme weather, the starting point was moved closer to the pole to keep ahead of it. Even with this adjustment, the teams have a long (and bitter) trek ahead of them

We wish all teams a safe journey…. and go Team USA!

Our hats and hearts to you all!


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