Books Magazine

Here’s What Dyslexia Feels Like

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Daniel Britton is a graphic designer who has battled dyslexia all of his life.

To raise awareness for others who suffer with the learning disability (one in five people), Britton created a font that emulates what it’s like to be dyslexic.

“What this typeface does is break down the reading time of a non-dyslexic down to the speed of a dyslexic. I wanted to make non-dyslexic people understand what it is like to read with the condition and to recreate the frustration and embarrassment of reading everyday text.”

Here’s another example:



That is painfully difficult. I can read some words but with other words I have no idea.

People who battle dyslexia are often extremely creative–they have to be in order to read, so they tend to do well in other artistic mediums.

So strange how the brain works, right?

You can find out more about Daniel Britton and his project to raise awareness for dyslexia on his Crowdfunder site. 

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