Fashion Magazine

Here's the Deal

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Here's the Deal
Today I'm gonna fill you in on what's going on with my blogging situation. As many of you know, a few months ago I announced the launch of Glisten. Well, having the website built is taking a whole lot longer than I thought it would so I've kinda been in limbo...still trying to post content to Lovely Little Things, but not wanting to use anything TOO good, because I've wanted to save it for Glisten.
Excuse my language, but I've been kinda half-assing Lovely Little Things.
And I don't want to do that anymore.
I can't remember if I told y'all that Glisten isn't JUST going to be health & fitness based anymore.
I'm planning on keeping it as a "lifestyle blog" because I just can't imagine having any kind of blog and not being able to share quirky things from my week, new outfits that I wear, or just anything that's on my heart.
My goal is to do what I did when I first started blogging 2 years ago...I'm making myself a schedule. For example:
Monday: Free Day
Tuesday: Style & Beauty Post
Wednesday: Health & Fitness post
Thursday: Free Day
Friday: High Five for Friday
I want to hold myself accountable to incorporate everything that I want to into the new blog.
Plus a lot has changed since I started Glisten.
I'm choosing to make teaching my career focus and fitness something that I do on the side.
Essentially, I'm rebranding Lovely Little Things and changing it to Glisten.
I hope y'all will follow the new blog once it's up and going :)
I'm actually moving in 3 weeks, so I'm gonna be pretty busy from now until then with packing, school, and work. I've decided to take a blogging break until I'm settled in the new place that I'm living (more on that later).
My goal is to be blogging from the new Glisten site come October.
I'm still gonna do occasional High Five for Friday posts on here, just because I love doing them and it doesn't take a lot of planning. Plus I like to keep y'all in the loop!
You can always follow along on Twitter & Instagram, too!
Thank y'all SO much for your sweet words of encouragement all the time and for making my days brighter. I can't wait to get back into blogging forreal.
Also, if you have any type of health & fitness posts that you'd like to see, leave me a comment with your suggestions! Even though I won't be blogging for a few weeks, I'll definitely be in planning mode for the new blog.
Enjoy your day, lovelies!
Here's the

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