Books Magazine

Here’s Minas Tirith, Made Out of Toothpicks

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Again, another example of fandom at a whole new level. Lord of the Rings fans are incredible.

In the photo to the left, you see what Minas Tirith (the capital of Gondor) looked like in the Lord of the Rings films.


In the photo below you’ll see a replica of Minas Tirith, created entirely with toothpicks.


minis tirith

Can you imagine how long this took?

Who sits down and creates anything out of toothpicks? LOTR fans…that’s who.

I’m not making fun. I’m really not. I’m just trying to wrap my head around this level of fandom. I love these books but I’d be hard pressed to make a Minas Tirith out of legos, with specific instructions, much less out of toothpicks.


I’m speechless.

Source: Pat Acton/Twisted Sifter

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