Trust me.
Dolla still make me holla.
But 2 billion youtube hits? That’s Redneckulous.
That’s right. Park Jae-sang…PSY to all us hipsters…and his Gangnam Style dance anthem just crossed the 2 billion views mark.
You heard me. Billion. With a ‘B.‘ Like in ‘Boo Boo.’
Apparently, almost two years later everybody is still doing it Gangnam Style.
So what better excuse to bring back one of the best music video mash-ups evah for your viewing pleasure to celebrate the milestone.
The official Honey Boo Boo Style ReMix.

You know I still love me some Toddlers & Tiaras.
I miss all that sparkly goodness more every day. And I’m always up for anything that will help my milkshake bring all the boys to the yard, so to speak.
So naturally, adding some Go-Go Juice to my Gangnam seemed like the next logical step.
Cuz that s*** makes everything even better.
To congratulate Psy, let’s all enjoy another look at Honey Boo Boo Child going Gangnam in the ultimate Korean Redneck ReMix.
It’s like someone took everything inside my brain and made a music video. Some of my favorite obsessions brilliantly mixed together until they’re smooth as buttah and ketchup.
And, surprisingly, even more tasty the second time they’re served.
It’s like Korean Sketti. That you can dance to.
And you’re welcome.
Oppa Gangnam Style.