Ornamental grasses are typically thought of as plants with late summer/fall/winter interest.
But I'm here today to sing their praises as a great spring/early summer performer as well.
I feel like most of my ornamental grasses took a huge leap forward this past week and I couldn't be happier. While they aren't anywhere near their peak, they still lend an airy awesomeness to the garden.
Some examples:
Panicum starting to already show it's hints of red color on the leaves:
Miscanthus 'Variegatus' emerging over some of the smaller perennials:
Miscanthus 'Gracillimus' doing the same:
Calamagrostis 'El Dorado' already showing early blooms:
Pennisetum a nice color contrast next to Penstemon 'Husker's Red':
Looking at a blooming Weigela 'Wine and Roses' through a Panicum:
Chasmanthium latifolium (northern sea oats) rounding into form:
Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster' in it's nice upright stance:
And this is only the beginning. The next few months will be an ornamental grass-palooza and I'm sure you'll be sick of all my hyperbole by then.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Gardening Magazine
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