Family Magazine

Herbs for Before & After Labor

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

So, yesterday marked one month till my due date.  One month!

My husband is over the moon excited about having a little girl, he’s so sweet.  He really cares a lot about the clothes that she will be wearing, and is a little worried that he won’t be able to discipline her.


I know he will be wonderful.

Our boys are so rough and tough and wild…I can’t wait to see how a girl changes the dynamic in our home.

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I’ve mentioned before this herb: CarryOn Relief that I have on hand to slow preterm labor contractions, which I am prone to.  It is also used to effectively prevent miscarriage. Any time I have more than a few contractions in a row I take 1 tsp of this stuff and bam, they stop.  It’s really so amazing.

No negative side effects.  Safe for the baby.  I love it.

I only wish I had known about it with my previous pregnancies!

With the boys I was put on a prescription medication to slow the contractions. I hated the side effects and exposure to the baby but I didn’t know there were other options!

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So thankful this time around to have a more naturally-minded midwife.  She also recommended a few other herbs – one to prepare my body for delivery called “Labor Prepare” (I’ll start taking this one at 37 weeks); and the other called “After Ease” for after the birth in place of Advil like I have done in the past, to help with those after-labor contractions and soreness.

Order from In His Hands:

Carry On Relief

Labor Prep for Before

After Ease for after the birth

Order from Amazon:

herbs for before & after labor

herbs for before & after labor

Labor prepare is not available at Amazon.

I’ve already got these ordered and am just waiting to get them in!

live well. be well.

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