Picture taken from:https://www.flickr.com/photos/110396151@N02/
As nights are getting darker, and mornings are becoming colder it can only mean one thing - Autumn is officially here. Autumn/Winter is by far my favorite season, there's just something I love about cold mornings and dark evenings.
This season also holds some of my favorite occasions, there's the obvious Bonfire Night and Christmas, as well as Halloween which I'm not really a big fan of. As well as these there's also some special occasions coming up which I'm exited for, most of which I will blog about! Today's post is some things that I love about Autumn/Winter.
01. Walks on a cold morning, whilst there's crisp leaves on the floor and shiny dew on the grass, so refreshing.
02. Real log fires, the smell and hearing the logs crack fills me with warmth and cosiness.
03. Roast dinners complete with roast potatoes. I don't know if anybody else's family is like this, but throughout the Summer my family don't have roast potatoes with Sunday dinner as they aren't in season, so when Autumn comes along I look forward to a Sunday roast with roast potatoes all week (especially if my Nan is cooking it!)
04. Cosy clothes/Layering, I love Autumn/Winter clothing. I like layering outfits and of course being able to buy hauls of cosy knitted jumpers.
05. Dark nails polish, although I don't often wear a dark nail polish, it's more acceptable to bring the dark purple and raspberry shades out in the cold months.
06. Candles, I love to light candles all year round, but Winter scents are to die for. I began stocking up my Winter candle collection in August! (pretty sad, I know.)
07. Home cooked food, although I eat home cooked food throughout the Summer as well, Autumn/Winter food is so much more appealing to me. There's nothing better than coming home to a hearty stew or a classic cottage pie.
What do you love about this season?