Fashion Magazine
It was an emotional weekend for me.But I don't want to over share.
InsteadI want to thank a dear friend ... for being there when I needed one most.I have put my pieces back togetherin a beautiful order
I am now prepared for a weekall about gratitude and Thanksgiving.
Hello Monday... Hello Gratitude that ...
my darling daughter returns for our official holiday season openingat our house.She and I can not wait for the decorating to officially begin!
Hello to gratitude for an upcoming Friday lunchwith my wonderful girls!
Hello to a beautiful Thanksgiving dinnerwith the family!Hello to big gratitudethat my husband and daughterlove to spend the day cookingand that my parents bring the pies!
Hello gratitude for having my daughter homewhen we get out tree on Friday!
Hello to much gratitude for a wonderful husbandand my wonderful son and daughter.Hello to savoring and enjoyingthis holiday season.
I am especially gratefulfor youmy wonderful readers and friends.
My heart is fulland my soul is sovery grateful.
as always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your lifeand enjoy a week filled with Thanksgiving and gratitude