Fashion Magazine
Hello my friends!There has been a lot going of good things going on here these daysso I thought I would take the time today for someGratitude!First offI am ever so grateful to send out my first crown toParis!As a returning designerit was a real moment for meto walk into Fed Exand say I needed to send this toParis!
You might have seen me mention on InstaGramthat the ever stylish Haleighform my favorite Paris based style blog Making Magique(she is also the official blogger for Lancome)contacted me that she wanted one of my crownsI was over joyed with excitement!My fabulous crown is on it's to Paris as I type!
I am also so grateful for the simple pleasureof our picture perfect weather here in SoCal!We have had some much needed rainand now some wonderful sunI just can't wait to get out into my garden!
Speaking of ParisI had the privilege of attending another of The French Basketeer
cooking classes!Andrea herself has recently returned from Parisand brought back some fabulous French utensils for purchase!Some of them are almost too pretty for me to use!
This month's class was Valentine in themeand was as over the top in beauty and taste as always!
But my favoriteeach time I attendis always the company of the extraordinary women that come to the classes!Andrea has a special magic about herthat pulls together the most amazing peoplewhether it be at her lavish partiesorher remarkable classes.If you are in the Laguna areanothing beats a Saturday afternoon learning from Andrea!
Everything done by the French Basketeeris always amazingand picture perfect!
Last week Andrea also took her cooking showon the road to the home of the always glamorousContessa who writes the Vintage Henhouse.You can see Contessa's post about the fabulous eventHERE
Also in attendance was the always stylish Jennifer fromA Well Styled Lifeyou can read her stylish account of the afternoon HERE
Andrea's smashing finish to her Valentine class!Nothing says fabulous partylike a sparkling cakegarnished form the garden!
My cooking classes always endbeing picked up by myever handsome husbandso we can make sure to get down to beach in Lagunafor sunset cocktails and dinner.Making for a perfect all around Saturday in my book!
In closing my gratitude list this weekI have a very grateful heart for you my readers
the great response to my newest Wednesday feature.
Last week in an attempt to keep my blog transparent and relevantI started a new weekly feature
HEREwhere I not only style one garment three waysbut show how I look to begin within order to fully share the transformative power of accessories.
I don't post shots of myselfin order to get positive comments(although of course that's always nice!)but I do it to show some style inspirationson a regular womenwho happens to be 55.
I think many timeswe are all shown so many images of onlythe youngthat looking in the mirror can be a surprise.
Of coursemaybe that's just me.
But I am on a mission
to learn to celebratethe womanI am todayimperfections and all!
I want to see my wrinkles as a beautiful thing.I want to see my by nowmisshapened feetas beautifulin that they have allowed me to do what I have done
continue to get me where I want to go!
I want to look at my hands that are no longer youngand
be mesmerizedby all that they have done in this life and all the potential to doyet to come.
I have realizedin my ideaof learning to crown ourselvesit is the internal shift that is most important.
A shift in the realizationof being enoughno matter ones age or appearance.
When I take the time To Crown MyselfI realizenot onlyam I enoughbutjusthow much I have to give.
Giving in and of itself
equals life relevance.
It is with a grateful heart
dear readersI thank you for following along.For if we can all learnto Crown Ourselvesthe Ripple Effectwill be enormous!
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life