Fashion Magazine

Hello May Flowers

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Last week I published one post. Only ONE! That hasn't happened since forever. I realized that while I am a stickler for rules and routines, I can take a week off from blogging, if I want to. It is my blog and I make the rules. The good news is, that I am back as a refreshed and renewed person. I found what I was looking for. Looks like I just needed a break from blogging and do a few offline activities to clear my head.

So here's what I have been up to for last couple of weeks:
Boy, I have been writing non-stop. My diary entires have been long and frequent. I am able to express my thoughts again. I will probably share some of it in the upcoming posts. Spoiler alert - a lot of my thoughts are going to offend a lot of people but I find solace is knowing that my intention is self expression and that I cannot control other people's thoughts and actions.

There have been A LOT of new shows and documentaries on Netflix. Here's what I have completed.

13 Reasons Why
Still watching: Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce. It is entertaining. Girl Boss
Another show inspired by the book by the founder of Nasty Gal. I found it poorly written, brash and trying too hard. I wouldn't recommend it. Score: 2/5
Vir Das
Now I might be biased towards this comedy special, as it's first Indian comedian to have a Netflix special. Although I truly enjoyed his content, delivery and the punch lines. I would highly recommend it if you enjoy stand ups. This is from an Indian perspective.
Based on the book by the same name, the show is depicts various forms of bullying and how it can change a young adults life course. As a message it is an effective and a strong one, but as a show I found it pretty dragged out and boring. I didn't feel any sympathy for the protagonist. I didn't "get" her character. Score: Score:

Bahubali - The Beginning
I watched this again, just too compare it to the second installment which just came out. The first half was the movie wasn't impressive but the second half was a treat. I didn't regret watching it again. (It had released in 2015) Score: 3.5/5
P.S. If you have not watching any Indian movie, I would strongly urge you to go watch this one. It is like Disney meets Steven Spielberg.
Bahubali - The Conclusion
This is was soul satisfying Indian movie watching experience. This is NOT a Bollywood movie. Bollywood is the name giving to specifically Hindi movies (made is Bombay/Mumbai). This is a Telugu movie which is sweeping Indian audience by the storm. I saw a movie on Friday morning after years. It had EVERYTHING - drama, suspense, romance, action, special effects, and it tugs at your heart like old Indian movies used to. I came out of the cinema thoroughly entertained. I had issues with the last 30 mins but I am willing to overlook that for the sheer grandeur and storytelling. Going to the the movies

Still Reading: Rich and pretty, and hating every page of it!
Listening to Podcast
Still Listening: STOWN
It took me a while to get into it. It picks up the pace slowly, but I gave it a chance purely on the basis of all the positive reviews I had heard. I will let you know what I think soon.
Khullam Khulla
This is the autobiography of an Indian actor: Rishi Kapoor. It was in the news for being honest and straightforward. I love his tweets so I was expecting the same or rather more. It didn't disappoint however it is purely for someone who is a Hindi movie buff (like myself). Score:

As for the outfit, yes I wore the flower crown for reals. I dressed for the date night and I asked my husband, "Yay or Nay to the flower crown?" He said, "Yay!" and that was that. People did stare at me but then they do no matter what I wear. Not because I am, 'oh so pretty!' but because I am always the most dressed person in the 5 mile radius no matter how subtle I try to dress.

Hello May Flowers

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Hello May Flowers

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at

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