Food & Drink Magazine

Hello Kitty Head Shaped Bento Lunch Box Review!

By Pepper Bento

Hi there!

Hope you’re having a great start to your week!

If you’re not, maybe this post will add a little cheer to your day!

Today I will be reviewing this super cute Hello Kitty Bento box!

Hello Kitty Bento Box

I have a few Hello Kitty lunch boxes but this one is quite unique compared.

Instead of a generic sort of box with a sticker or printed design added on later, this one is dedicated solely to Hello Kitty!

It’s shape is all kitty and has some very cute details like a 3D flower and nose with slightly raised whiskers and slightly lowered beady black eyes!

You might notice there isn’t a catch to close this box, I’ll get back to that later!

Hello Kitty Bento Box Opened

Inside the box you’ll find there is actually quite a lot of room.
Considering the shape there aren’t many awkward places that make food hard to pack and it doesn’t seem to waste room.

Another plus is it is surprisingly deep so you may be able to fit in more than you thought!

So how does it shut?

This box just slots together, quite sturdily I might add.
It even has a small tab so it’s easier to pull apart.

As sturdy as the box is to stay closed if I was to pack lunch in it I would put on the extra precaution of a small elastic belt just in case.

Hello Kitty Bento Box Strapped

All in all this box is really good.
It’s great quality plastic and though has the head shape gimmick (who wouldn’t want to eat out of Hello Kitty’s head…..erm……right?) doesn’t have too little space and tiny intricate spaces nothing will fit.

The closing design works well but I would recommend treating it like a more traditional Japanese style box with a elastic belt around it to stop it coming undone in case it is knocked in your bag.

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