Things feel like they are calming down here of late.And I have been through enough lately to realize the importance of
And the need to put focus on the good.
So today's post is a simple one of simply focusing on the good in my past week.
Jeff and I had a lovely
Sunset Wine Tasting Cruise last Fridayin Dana Point Harbor.

If you find yourself in the areathe cruise is a lovely way to spendan hour an a halfeven when it's marine layer cover.Seeing all the boatsand waving to the friendly boat ownersmakes for a lovely start to the weekend!

Waterman's in Dana Point Harboris a great vantage to take in the magnificent harbor view.

I had my eyebrows micro bladedtwo weeks ago (I will share more about the procedure tomorrow)I am so happy with the resultsthat I am finallyinterested in doing my makeup well.
So I set up a fabulous makeup stationin one of our extra rooms I use for a closet / guest room.
The best part is the natural indirect light that streams from the windowandrepurposing a slide out shelf that years ago held my son's keyboard.I had kept itjust incase I ever found a perfect new use.And I finally have.

I have also been organizing my'Accessory Wardrobes'I like to keep them together by color for easyoutfit styling.
Since we have had a truly empty nest for over two yearsI have turned two of the extra rooms intoclosets / guestroomsso I now have the luxury of having my clothes in organized concepts.
These are from my colored brights room.When I am in need of some cheery happy colorsths is the closet room I pick from.

I was very grateful last week that Jeff and I got to have dinner withthe newlywedswho have recently moved to San Diego!
Family time is always a highlight for me!

And speaking of familyJeff and I took my Dad and brother to the iconicOaks Steakhousethat still has the tradition of cutting off ties if you wear one in.The whole dining area is encrusted with ties wide and narrow from the past 40 years!

How sweet is this little macrame planter with an air plantthat I found for my darling daughterwho is coming up on the the train Thursday!

I am ever so grateful that the Holy Firethat we could seeway to closely is now almost out.

Even though the fire was burning away from usthere were a few very uneasy days to witness.
Huge gratitude to all of the fire professionalsthat handled what turned into a huge fire.

In my routine forSelf Care and WellnessI have been making sure I have daily workoutsfive days a week.
I do pilates at a studioand add in nature hikes, kayaking and mountain biking.Yesterday I rode with a dear friendwho had discovered a new to us trail to the beach!Monday morning made!!Nothing like working out in natureto sooth the body and soul!

Jeff and I have been spending the last month's weekendsworking on our gardens.With a major new projectalong with taking back some areas.
We added a new dwarf olive to our courtyardwhich makes me happy to see while I have my morning coffee!

Our major project has beentaking out our front yard grassandusing the area more efficiently.
Jeff constructed a huge raised planterfor an organic vegetable and herb garden!

Our hot up coming SoCal monthswith have my collection of basils thriving!

I added in some pops of pink color to the courtyardthat makes my heart happy to see!
I just love doing my Gratitude Posts
They are such a lovely reminderto really take in all of the simple partsof a day.
Because sometimes it's taking the timefor the little thingsand momentsthat truly make life meaningful.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joy
as you style your life