Hello gratitude.
The more I do these gratitude posts the more I realize the power of gratitude.
I can actually feel my moodand energy change as I do them.
I am lifted from sadness and worryto optimism and love.

we can find gratitudeif we look really hard.
And sometimesthat is when we need gratitude most.
I have even come to a placethat I now realizeas much as a situation can hurtthere can be much soul growth involved.
For that I am grateful.
Through my journeyI have learned so many things
but probably one of the most important isJudgement.
You seeIf you met me years agoyou probably wouldn't have liked me muchbecause
In my attempt to be a perfect parentI was pretty comfortable judging othersThinking if they did things with as much effort and intent
well…you get the picture.
I will never judge again.
I have been humbled to my knees.
And I know that is a gift.

not only does that disconnect us from each other
We can not escape self judgment in the process.
As I have learned compassion, kindness and empathy for others
I have been able in the processto offer compassion, kindness and empathy to myself.

it is the darkest of timeswhen the hurt feels unbearable
it is right here
when you are broken wide open
that there may be moments you can truly look inside your own soul
and because of the great painthat you want to ease
you can in that moment
give upjustifying your actions
and truly ask
how can I do this better.

answers begin to drift in
and for that
my heart and soul
are so
I wish you all a promising new weekand will leave you with this beautiful reminder"One kind wordcan change someone's entire day"I thank you for all of your kind wordsthey too,have touched my soul.
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life and find your own gratitudes.