In these days that can feel so uncertainI have doubled down in my practice of Intentional Gratitude
Being open to all of The Meaningful MomentsI can findand Pushing them deep into my Heartto keep foreverand pull upwhen I need reminding.
Nothing fills my heart likespending time with Family Like this moment here.
Jeff and I have been spending much timethe last few monthsupgrading our backyard.
One of the projects was redoing some rock bordersand putting in a large new rockthat can be used as a seat.
Around it I created our own littlesuburban pumpkin patchall with the hopes of seeing our darling grand daughter sit there.
It was a project and goalthat kept me focusedon good things to comeduringsome very sad months after my Dad's death.
So these adorable picturesme so much to me.
I tell this story to remind myselfto focus on what I can control.
To focus onthe good in life.
To focus on the magic of creativity.
To focus on the love of familyand friends!

I was afraid this year at Thanksgiving I would be overwhelmed with sadnessas it was the first time without my dad.
So I worked extra hard onGratitude.
I get up extra early these mornings to make my listof things I'm Grateful for.

And the more I can
focus on Gratitudethere is less room for the fear and loss.
I still wake up in a panic most morningsfor so many reasons.

So it literally takes mequite a bit of time some mornings to reset my mindto be a magnetto findJoy and Beautyeverywhere I can.

For me Creating Beautyis Cathartic

Creating Beautyto be shared with those I lovealways one of the best!

To Celebratethe Love of Familythose here nowand those that have passed on.

To continue to fosterthe Legacy of Family Love.

To focus on all ofthe Great things in Lifeespecially when things can feel uncertain.
I want to fill up my heart with so much Gratitude and Joythat there is little roomfor fear and sadness.

I am at an age where I can feel my mortalityespecially with both of my parents gone.
I literallywant to make each moment count.I want to wake up in the morningand think what good in the worldcan I do today.
Where can I spread love.
When my time to go is hereI want to knowI used my time to the best of my ability.
I want to foster a legacy of Love.

I want to truly savor beautiful moments.
To focus onBeauty and blessings.

Because there are so many things in my lifethat I am extremely Grateful for.

I want to be at peace with sadness and loss.and to dig all the deeper to find Beauty and joyevery single day.
To replace with daily fearswith Intentional Gratitude.
I write this post todayto remind myself
Life is Good.
We can control how we decide to see the world.
Intentional Gratitudecan be Life Changing.
That Loveis the answerto so many questions.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joy
as you style your life