Hello dear,I told you that I wanted to wear more white. Yesterday I picked this white blouse up at zara for a ridiculous price (sale aways sale away). I'm in love with it. It has the most cute buttons at the back and the front is a bit shorter.
Afterwards my boyfriend and I went looking for a jeans for him. I ended up with a jeans for myself from April 77. It was 50% off and i was in need of black jeans, and jeans in general (I used to wear shorts all of the time, but I have seen the light: there's more to life than shorts). The nice thing about this jeans is that it has a special little place to stock guitar picks (for when I suddenly get guitar powers, or a cute musician , like my boyfriend, is in need of a guitar pick). How cool is that?! Plus I was pleased to read inside of the pants that it was cruelty free (read: no animal products were used).
We finally ended up at the Levis store for my boyfriend where he bought his jeans. I must say that I'm a total fan of Levis' curve ID. Apparently I'm a demi curve myself. I tried one of the skinny ones on in the Privejoke (store in brussels where I bought the April 77 jeans) and it felt amazing. Unfortunately they weren't long enough for my legs and it was the last pair in my size on sale. In the Levis store i had to contain myself not to buy one (no sales on them there unfortunately). But next month (or the month after) i'm definitely gonna buy one! I must say that i wasn't fan of the boys collection at all. All the jeans (except of the ones my boyfriend bought) had the most ugly colors, washing, patterns and shapes. Do something about it Levis!