February is Heart Awareness Month and I wanted to create some Heart Awareness Month fashion to show you how you can bring awareness to heart health with style.
According to GoRedForWomen.org, the movement that advocates for more research and swifter action for women’s heart health, Heart Disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. That’s approximately one woman every minute!
Friday, February 1st was the 10th anniversary of National Wear Red Day to honor Heart Awareness Month, but you can incorporate Heart Awareness Month fashion into your wardrobe all month long. After all, it’s only a few days until Valentine’s Day, too.
Yet, how can you wear Heart Awareness Month fashion while still doing it with style? While it could be easy, it could be sort of tacky to be too, too obvious about it (tacky heart sweatshirt, anyone?), and that’s not how we roll here. So, take a look at how I incorporated Heart Awareness fashion into all the following looks, stylishly.
Heart Awareness Month Fashion: Dress and Subtle Hearts
Heart Awareness Month Fashion by bridgetteraes featuring lulu townsendThe little red dress is synonymous with Heart Awareness Month so a dress in this color would be a great thing to wear in honor of bringing awareness to this disease. If you want to take it a step further, this clutch proves that you don’t have to go all obvious and girly with hearts in your fashion choices. If you notice, the scrollwork on the purse is in heart shapes. Sweet, yet not saccharine.
Heart Awareness Month Fashion: A Pop of Red
Heart Awareness Month Fashion by bridgetteraes featuring skinny fit jeansIf you’re someone who doesn’t like to wear red, consider doing it in small doses, like in a handbag, layering piece like a tank or in a scarf. Red looks great with charcoal gray and can really add some punch to black pieces. Oh, and if you notice, there is a covert heart on that clutch bag as well. Yes, it is possible to sneak a heart in with style.
Heart Awareness Month Fashion: Heart Sweater
Heart Awareness Month Fashion by bridgetteraes featuring a heart sweaterIf you’re going to wear a heart sweater, at least choose one that is hip and fashionable, like this one. Personally, I love red with navy.
Heart Awareness Month Fashion: Playful Hearts
Heart Awareness Month Fashion by bridgetteraes featuring leopard pumpsDesigner, Paul Smith is known for quirky, playful fashion, like in these ballerina flats he designed, which are too cute (okay, probably terribly impractical) for words. Again, if you are going to incorporate hearts into your outfit, there are ways to do it that are playful yet don’t sacrifice style.
Heart Awareness Month Fashion: Heart Jewelry
Heart Awareness Fashion by bridgetteraes featuring a cashmere sweaterIf you don’t want to go heart overboard, consider just a simple piece of jewelry. Now, there are more than enough tacky heart jewelry pieces to go around, and then some, so choose carefully. Also, if you’re not a fan of wearing red, you can always choose pink, instead.
Lastly, and most importantly, get the facts about heart disease. Visit GoRedForWomen.org for more information.