I recently wrote this post about why I will never use hormone birth control again.
Now, who would I be to only warn you of the dangers of something without offering up a useful alternative? I realize everyone isn’t ready for one of these…
So, here you go:
1. My number one recommendation is the FemCap with Contragel.
The FemCap is the “new” easier, cheaper, diaphragm, and it’s made of silicone (which is one of the most stable of all plastic materials so you aren’t exposed to BPA.) You just choose the size that best fits your needs based on your pregnancy history.
Then, it comes to a good spermicide to use with your cap. The only option that I have found that is natural, effective, and healthy is called Contragel. It does not contain N-9 (Nonoxynol-9) which is a highly toxic detergent found in all commercially produced spermicides in the US. N-9 causes inflammation, irritation, bacterial infections, urinary tract infections, kills off layers of cells inside the vagina, and makes a woman more susceptible to serious illness by actually increasing her chances of contracting an STD. Um, woah.
Contragel simply changes the woman’s internal pH (just around the cervix) so that it becomes an inhospitable environment for sperm without damaging her body in any way.
Here’s how easy it is to find your size for the Fem Cap (fool-proof y’all):
There are only 3 sizes: one for if you have never been pregnant, another for if you have, and the third for if you have delivered a baby vaginally. Now, I haven’t been to medical school, but I am willing to bet that every woman reading this can determine the size she needs without an expensive trip to the Doctor.
Here’s the frustrating part: The USA is the ONLY country to require a Dr. Rx to order the FemCap. If you live in almost any other country you can pick one up at your local pharmacy. And Contragel is not available in the US as the FDA has not approved it – they have, however, approved the nasty N-9 one, aspartame, margarine, and GMO baby formula…don’t get me started on the ridiculousness of all of this. Until recently Contragel was available on Amazon…grr…
The good news is that you can still get them! You just have to order from Canada, Australia, or Europe which means that shipping is more expensive, but well worth it in my opinion. I actually contacted one company about becoming a distributor so that I could offer it to you all, but I can’t because of FDA regulations….again, so, so annoying. I’ve listed quite a few places to buy these at the bottom of this post.
Ok, I’m done ranting…
Here’s the deal with using the Fem Cap – you don’t have to use it every time. If you are willing to pair it with a method like Creighton you only have to use it on the specific days that you are fertile.
Which brings me to my next recommendation:
2. Creighton Method
This is a wonderful way to determine when you are fertile, so that you can avoid pregnancy naturally. It is also extremely useful for when you are ready to conceive. This model allows you to accurately determine the days each month that you are fertile, so you can choose to either abstain or use a secondary form of protection like the FemCap during those days. If you don’t want to worry about it, you can safely use the cap every time. It really comes down to personal preference. I personally think it’s pretty empowering to know your body well enough to know when you are fertile, when you are not, etc. Plus, the divorce rates for couples who use a natural family planning method like this is a staggeringly low 2.2%! Yay for open, healthy communication!
3. The last option is Natralamb condoms. They are made from lamb intestine, which sounds…interesting. However, the fact that they are made from a natural material lends to their more natural feel.
So yes, it’s a bit more work than just popping a pill every day, but I can’t tell you how much healthier and safe these options are for your precious body!
Here are some great resources:
femcap.com/store (note: this company also sells the N-9 spermicide, don’t make the mistake of buying that one!!)
ladytobaby.com (buy femcap & contragel together for a discount)
well.ca (buy contragel for $20/tube)
buycontragel.com (buy 2 get one free, also sells femcap)
you can pick up Naturalamb on Amazon, or at just about any drugstore.
***this information is for monogamous couples only, as none of the options I’ve listed provide protection against STD’s***
live well. be well.