Family Magazine

Healthy Eating Habits for the Whole Family

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
I am always on the look out to incorporate healthier products in my family’s diet. Today I would like to share some of our experiences with the hope that these might be helpful for you, too. 

• Last month, I came across a challenge on Instagram. : The Sugar Free Challenge. This meant that I was to spend the whole month sugar free. This was an amazing experience. We drink our tea/coffee without sugar. If possible, I use xylitol or agave nectar instead of sugar but I found out that I could do better. Reading the labels, I found out that some products that I thought were not sugary contained much more sugar than I would ever anticipate. I also found out that making raw brownies at home is actually quite easy and packed full of nutrients and you don’t crave sugary food at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

 • When cooking, use healthier oils such as olive, canola or sunflower oil. Saturated fat and trans fat are not good for your health as they raise the bad cholesterol in your blood. This in turn causes a build-up of fatty material in the arteries. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 80% of heart disease may be preventable. The good news is that simple changes can like lowering cholesterol, eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, giving up smoking and avoiding stress. See more at:
 • I found out that being a good role model is so important. Instead of asking my children if they would like to eat a banana as a snack (which they almost always reject), I prepare a lovely plate for myself: I simply cut up the banana and spread almond butter on top. Then I eat it in front of the children, making a big fuss about how delicious it is. They cannot resist and try! 
 • Involve the children in the process! Children are more likely to try out the food that they help prepare. At times, in our busy lives, we forget about this and rather than involving the children, we prefer preparing the meals quickly. Recently, I try to make this a priority as I have observed that my son, who is very picky, loves helping me in the kitchen and tries out the food that we prepare together.
 • Reduce your salt intake. Replace salt with herbs, lemon juice and spices to add flavor. I would like to hear if you have any helpful tips that you would like to share in the comments. 
 Disclaimer: This post is brought to you in association with Flora pro.activ. 
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