Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Healing Series Wrap up Feb 2014 Pain and Suffering…

By Clarkkent07 @lpatterson1017

What does your pain tell you about yourself?



Over these past two months we have explored in depth the abandonment and pain..  All of which are suffering.  How does this pain show up in your existence even if you think you are over it?  If you are ignoring the inner child who knows love and gives love all the time it is seen as this is your sense of self as well!  As we grow with thinking, somehow we see pain is outside of us, we create a barrier of lies that keeps the inner child from ever being heard by others and ourselves…  This creates darkness.. this creates a way of seeing into the world through the eyes of pain losing our innocence. Is your innocence ever lost?  The truth is NO, for the inner child is the light… is this not the truth?  It is never lost just the protection of pain is masking it.  You will love from there, but not the same as you did if you let go and embraced this depth that we are speaking of… When is the last time you saw someone 80 years old and could look in their eyes and see the child in them?  Do you see how pain has kept us from ourselves where it is supposed to bring you back to yourself to this child inside?


Let’s go to the depth of what we are showing you in just this awakening of what the soul has endured and what the soul is as a core to your being.  As you have experienced this inside yourself the thinking mind would tell you that you are damaged, and you are in pain and who would want you, as you are running from yourself in pain, thus abandoning, suffering and keeping the child safe from pain so you seek pain in everything without seeing that you are calling to it by stepping in front of the inner child to show the world the pain… When we allow the child to be seen in small amounts it will call to love but when love is interrupted by thought again the child is hidden or what we call protective energy which is the lie….  This is the same as saying I will not accept this about myself and surely no one would want me as well, and thus making it possible to not ever see your inner child’s arms extended inside darkness for you to embrace the inner being(child).  This gives a permission for this type of energy to find you without your knowing.  You are without seeing that you are creating the energy of pain and suffering as a means to abandon yourself.  How could you.. the pain is to great.. We are taught to run from pain early on.. Rather than see the truth about what pain is there to birth within you.  The truth about this pain and suffering is that it does have energy to take you away from yourself, this happens 99% of the time in human, we are used to it and keep it as a measurement of our value and don’t seek wholeness in it.  Yet, In truth when you go into the pain you are able to find your inner child to see the truth about the pain.  This is the great awakener that pain wants you to find in the first place… The teacher becomes the student in these eyes that the child can see clearly!


I know it seems impossible, but let’s see it as truth for this moment.  In that, what you don’t experience in giving love to the self without the conditions of pains creating are holding the inner child in your knowing of love hostage.  Your mind will create the most profound energy in pain to keep you from the child within the self from being embraced and loved more deeply.  Signs of this are the words within the story you will have to keep you from yourself from the inner child that is being protected.


I was infected by the pain body of protection before, I wanted to point outside me to my pain, where the illusion was just that, an illusion of lies that this pain was on going!


The only way to embrace what is in your view of pain is that you must go into the pain of yourself to see the inner child with arms stretched out to grab, hold and love you without the mind… The story is only as strong as it’s story teller….  And the mind becomes stronger in the story to keep you from yourself from your inner child which is protected from the ego or mind you are infected with.


This ego…. well to see inside the thought process of the ego is what no longer needs to be seen cause it won’t let you embrace a story how could it?    This has such a powerful truth!  That what ever pain is ailing you… you were abandoned, you were left to come up with something inside and now your sense of self seeks purpose running from the pain.  What if your sense of self didn’t seek purpose in the outside of what pain is.. and went inside the pain to find the truth?


As a runner and then a chaser and then a runner, the purpose of seeing either is always causing a great pain..  What is gathered in this pain is much like the knock at the door we can do in the world yet inside it is to the inner child in you that wants you to just come in and embrace this child as much as it seeks this outside where the pain will be created into suffering… The ego or mind will then translate what the pain means by the catalog of past or reminders of what pain is and keep you deadlocked never acquiring any truth to this.  The lies of what we say then always point to something inside.. This is where the truth is really.


Here is something to ask yourself to lead you to the truth…  My pain is very powerful it is deep…  If I go inside of my pain what is in there?   If a vision of a child with arms extended comes to you or even brings you to tears it is you that is in there waiting with arms stretched to be able to embrace yourself.   How else do you finally birth what the pain is trying to show you if you are seeking outside… trust that you will get more of the same gradually becoming greater until this is what you need to do.. This pain will grow and grow.. but the energy of that pain will never truly be able to be something you can embrace.. You will suffer some more and then more will give you more of the pain… and the knocking of pain in your heart will be greater… This can bring you to death in some cases… How else do you think your way into a heart attack or a physical pain that breaks down the human body… The soul of the spark that is the inner child is trying to get you to merge into it.. To embrace it, to be at one with the truth that you can’t abandon yourself any longer… When this happens within yourself something is rebirthed or birthed into the world of form… This is the same as dying… you die to the thoughts that kept you from paying attention to your breathing, your animated nature in being!


The caterpillar becomes the butterfly…  The butterfly is the truth.. it even will take a few days to take flight depending on the crying that the butterfly did inside and it’s wings are wet… How is this not something we didn’t see until we experienced this as we did as twins…


The mirror is not what you see in residual it is what you see in truth.



What a twin gives you is what you are already doing to yourself!



How deep and powerful is this that you have now removed the story that has kept you from the inner child.   We are human but we are something greater inside that sparks this human existence..  This path leads you to this.. it is the truth where true change can happen to you.. not happen to another… This has always been your purpose.. To remove thinking and be a inner child in a more mature no thinking existence..  What pain has taught you in thinking has kept you from yourself.. The truth about what you are inside is not found through pain but in the center of it.


As you think about your pain do you see it clearly? Do you truly see the truth about your into me see.. That is INTIMACY in power of what you are when you embrace the inner child through the pain and realize on the other side you see into nature of energy that you are and see more fully.


Awaken to this truth.. for the pain in you has always been given the choice to embrace this within you.  If you stand and hold this child inside of the light of the child you will cry and will cry some more.  Yet as a being of love who is now connected to the truth of where yin and yang derived from.. How could you not take a look at your pain and see inside to see if you are embracing this child within you!


Pain is a great teacher… the greatest teacher that we have made into a disease.. when in pain the voice in the head keeps us from this pain as a means to keep us blind from seeing the child inside that endures this as a tragedy… This lie is only once removed when you are inside giving this love into the self for the self to feel connected to the wholeness you are without thinking…


Our Inner child has such a beauty to birth.. You do this one painful thought at a time.. as yourself what pain will I embrace within myself today and what will be seen is your embracing this inner child within you give you.. It is how we reverse the polarity of beauty in pain and truth in pain that love truly flourishes within itself.  You are love dear soul.. you are love dear human…  This healing is available to you in the NOW….


We have seen many birth through this… as Geiger counters to the truth you will no longer run from yourself in pain.. for that pain is always going to give you an open door to the truth of the embrace in love your inner child who loves unconditionally can give you.. when this happens unconditional love glows brighter that you ever imagined..  All creativity rises beyond the mind.. not inside of it.. so in this take this as the moment you have as it is the truth about pain and suffering.. Given is in the permission of abandonment that we are taught by thinking.  YOU never saw this coming… you never will… the mind creates this blind eye as protection.. yet protection from what exactly? Your pain should not be a mystery any longer… Believe in you to see you from that place inside that is holding arms out to create the same explosion in energy that love creates.


Love deeply,



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