A brave mom shares her story.
I was fourteen at the time, my ex partner wanted me to go out with him and his friends baring in mind they were all in there 20′s. I really didn’t want to go out with them because I had a gut feeling that something bad would happen, but me being me I still went.
My ex told me we were all going to the otherside of his esate to pick up some drugs (I do not take drugs & never have). I wasnt to sure on this as I knew how rough the estate was but I still agreed to go, he said we had to meet his friend outside the kebab shop.
So we waited waited and waited it was only about 8pm! about half an hour later we decided we would just go home but before we had chance a black guy came running up to us he stood there & said ‘So What Have You Got For Me’ I just stood there and said nothing, he then started to get in all our faces and said over and over ‘So What Have You Got For Me’.
My ex stood there and said we haven’t got nothing. The man started to get nasty and pulled out a knuckle duster and came over to me. I felt the fear and balled my eyes out I was so scared. He got in my face even more and shouted ‘If You Don’t Shut Your Mouth Il F*cking Rape You, You Silly Bitch’.
I was terrifed I still stood and cryed my ex just stood there and watched the man threaten to rape me and did nothing about it.
The man then decided to run off, as he ran I ran into the kebab shop and ordered the man to get me a taxi & to call the police. My ex shouted at me n told me to stop being such a wimp and said the the man in the kebab to not call the police. We got in the taxi and went home I was so shaken up & terrified, yet my ex still told me to stop being such a wimp….
Later that evening my ex enjoyed telling everyone what had happend and making jokes out of me crying, they all laughed at me, I was so angry & upset that they found it funny!
Days passed on & I was still really terrified of what happened I refused to leave the house and it stayed that way for years the only time I’d leave my house was to go to college and I was still scared to go there! and still to this day I will never go out alone even though my new partner would do everything in his power to protect me instead of just standing there!
So Please Please Please be careful ladies when your going out somewhere your not sure on!
Sherilyn Little, aged 18 – This mums has wished to be named in the hope of helping other.