I got this blush in one for the Beauty Exhibitions last year, but never had a chance to swatch this blush on the blog.

You might think that it is close to Nars Orgasm it is not. Nars Orgasm is more gold-peach, this more pink-silver, when you look at the packing yes it looks like Nars Orgasm, but when you swatched, you will see the difference.

Nars Orgasm is more like pressed blush, this is more like a creamy softer, easier to apply, also very pigmented.
It is larger comparing to Nars Orgasm.
Sorry for today that you do not see much posts on the blog, when I was transferring few pictures from my iphone to my mac, I don't know how but I accidentally transferred whole photos to my computer and created a big mess :( now trying to put them into right folders & hopefully will transfer them back to iphone :))

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