According to HB Studios, The Golf Club runs at 1080p on the PlayStation 4 and 720p on the Xbox One. GamingBolt asked HB Studios the reason why The Golf Club, which does not seem to be a resource intensive game, runs at a lower res than the PS4 version.
“It’s is actually a lot more resource intensive than you’d think. The world is 2km’s square and everything within that has physics colliders attached to it, we also have a full cloud and atmospheric lighting system not just a painted sky box like most games. Think about it this way, each blade of grass needs to react as you’d expect, each branch on a tree needs to react like you’d expect when a ball hits it,” HB Studios said in a statement to the site.
“The other problem we have is that we don’t define the maps, like most games. The users create them! This means that they could have 90% of their 2km square as water. Water is extremely expensive to recreate, there’s a lot of maths in the getting the right amount of reflection, etc.”
“Unfortunately it came a little too late for us to use, we’ve taken a look at it though and hope that we’re going to be able to use the benefits in some future updates.”