Although Envirolution is a day of celebration and fun. A chance to escape the whirl of the city to hear some music, take part in a workshop or eat some delicious veggie food. It is also a fabulous opportunity to have our say about the future of your city and your community.
All the stalls, performers, workshop providers, food outlets and everyone involved believes in the environmnetal principles the event was founded on. With the city now committing, through Manchester A Certain Future, to its own environmental principles for the future this is an opportunity to let them know what this means to you.
In The Chatting Duck Tent throughout the day we will be giving you the chance to let the city know what you want from your future community, surrounded by the people who can help you make it happen.
The Chatting Duck Tent14:00 What is a ‘Low Carbon Community’?15:00 Targets for 201416:00 What and Who is in the way?17:00 Who can help?18:00 What skills do we need?A quick google search and you will find numerous visions of a world with less emissions, greener spaces, local economies and happier communities. Our question to you is what does that like in Manchester for Platt Fields Park, Moss Side, Rusholme, Longsight, Fallowfield and where you live. And more importantly what can we do about it today and over the next twelve months. Lets stop ‘planning’ and begin ‘doing’.
Envirolution’s view has always started with the idea that what ever you are doing, you need to know how to enjoy doing it. When you attempt to be part of shaping a new future and challenging the old ways of doing things, it becomes even more important.
So this is where we begin; looking towards a world that is happier and healthier. We create a enjoyable and engaging event, which allows for you to come and experience some of the challenges and rewards in building a ‘Low Carbon’ community.
As well as the event we are also working towards creating our own example of what we want to see in a happier, healthier community. We are working with the park management to create a park that understands itself and manages its resources and expectations for the people that use it. Click here to see where we are starting from - The Anchors.