While we were away at the weekend lots of you got in touch to let me know that my Blog List on the sidebar had vanished (thank you), but from my phone there was nothing that I could do about it until I got home to check things out. It's a problem that seems to be creeping around the Blogger blogs at the moment.
Since I have been back I have slowly and steadily been re-instating the blogs that were on the sidebar, and adding a couple of new ones that I have found on my journey around blogland.
Some of you have noticed that you were missing from the new list and helpfully reminded me, others I think are being a bit more reticent. So this is a shout out to anyone who's blog used to be on my sidebar that I have yet to re-add to the new list, please don't be shy ... let me know. All you have to do is to comment on this post and I will be able to pick up your link from your name.
Also if there is a blog similar to mine that you journey to after reading mine each day don't be shy about letting me know it's name and if I like the look of it too I can add it to my sidebar to make your journey around blogland even easier each day. Indeed if you have a blog that is along the lines of either of mine, don't be shy, shout out and get yourself a little bit of publicity by making it on to my blog list too.
Now I'm off to try and pick up a few more links to my favorite people :-)
Sue xx