By Jive Media, LLC. ($3.99)
This is a must have app that can save your dog’s life in case of emergency! It contains detailed descriptions and videos to illustrate many medical issues. For example: Choking, cuts or poisoning. So you can take good care of your beloved pet. It also records your pet’s medical records such as vaccinations, medications and identifications. It can even track and graph your pet’s weight!

By Appetyte (Free)
Ever gotten kicked out of a store because you had your dog with you? With this app, you will never feel restricted again! It provides all dog friendly locations such as restaurants, hotels, dog parks, bars, etc along with detailed information on leash rules or fees. You can also write reviews, add locations and rate the places you visited.

By Michael Schneider ($.99) Having trouble training your dog to shake hands? This app can help! It features 8 tricks with a step by step approach includes, Sit, Down, Crawl, Roll Over, Shake Hands, Fetch, Spin Circles and Hoop Jump. Videos are also included to demonstrate the training process.

By Pet Acoustics ($1.99)
This app can help soothe your dog’s anxiety during a storm! Dogs can hear up to three times as much as us humans and can easily build stress and anxiety when they encounter a strange noise. Just like humans, soothing music can calm our nerves and distress.

By AppWarrior ($.99)
The name of this app is pretty self explanatory. It helps potty train your puppy, as well as schedule potty breaks for your adult dog. This app can also track your dog’s daily intake and potty routine.