Gardening Magazine

Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

By Mwillis
My harvests this week are very much "More of the same".
I'm still harvesting ripe chillis. This little basket has in it one egg-shaped Rocoto, and a few each of "Ring of Fire" (the fatter ones) and "Turkey Small Red".
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016
This basket has two "Devil's Tongue, Chocolate", two of the unidentified Panamanian Habaneros (the pointy ones, top left), and a few ordinary Red Habaneros, mostly very small, but including two decent-sized ones.
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016
I'm particularly glad to get ripe fruit from those Panamanian chillis. I didn't think any of them would make it to maturity, but once I brought the plant inside, it came on very rapidly. There are lots more fruits, but they are tiny and green. I wonder whether they will continue to grow?
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016
The "Boltardy" Beetroot is still going strong. The rate of growth has slowed down a lot - it's almost at Stop now, but there always seem to be some there when I want some.
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016
I'm still picking Lettuce. The ones I sowed in mid-August grew very slowly and are still tiny. I had to pick three to make a 2-person salad!

Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

Dubacek, Tom Thumb, Little Gem.

Our salad was augmented by the first Endive of the year:
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

This one is not fully mature, and it has not been tied for blanching, but even so, there were some lovely pale leaves in the middle.
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

Don't ask me what variety it is, because it comes from a batch of 8 mixed varieties!
I picked the last batch of beans for this year, a mere 75g:
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

That is definitely the last batch, because I have now cut down and composted the plants.
A few more chilli plants have gone the same way - but not before I harvested the last of their fruit.
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

Seen in more detail below are 3 curved red "Cayenne Thick", 5 of the contorted "Lucifer's Dream, Red" (top left), 4 "Piment d'Espelette" (bottom right), and one solitary "Nigel's Outdoor" (bottom left, just showing some red).
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

I think most of these will colour-up pretty quick now that they're in the warm.
Of course there was the usual batch of carrots:
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

They were the usual mix of "tiddlers", and OK ones. This time there was only one wonky one.
Harvest Monday - 31st October 2016

That's my harvest for this week. I'm linking my post to Harvest Monday over on Our Happy Acres, so why not drop by and see what other people have been harvesting?

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