Gardening Magazine

Harvest Monday - 28th November 2016

By Mwillis
I expect some of you read my post about the parsnips with canker. Fortunately not all of them were afflicted and I was able to harvest a decent bunch. These ones are of the variety "Duchess" - a variety that has done well for me over the last three years.
Harvest Monday - 28th November 2016
Harvest Monday - 28th November 2016
My current favorite way of cooking parsnips is to do them as chips (fries to you folks in the US), in our Actifry machine. They come out crisp on the outside, but soft (and sweet) on the inside.
The carrots are still going. I pulled another small batch this week (about 500g). They were mostly small ones, but with one or two decent-sized ones amongst them.

Harvest Monday - 28th November 2016

The big ones at the Right are "Autumn King", others mostly "Darina"

As well as these root crops, this week I also harvested another endive and two more little lettuces, but I didn't think them significant enough to photograph.
That's all I could muster for this week, so if you want to see more harvests you'll have to head over to Our Happy Acres and see what other people have contributed to Harvest Monday.

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