Rather more substantial was this batch of Parsnips:

These ones are of the variety "Duchess", which has become a favorite of mine. It produces long, regular roots with very few forked ones.

This shot gives a better idea of their size. That's a washing-up bowl in which they are sitting.

One or two of the bigger ones had some canker around the crowns, but the smaller ones were largely clear, which is a relief.
A mild dose of canker around the crown
The Carrots are nearing the end of the line, having produced for me a sizeable (if not pretty) crop. After this batch I think there will be just one more of a similar size.

As usual, this batch included a range of different shapes and sizes. They a mix of all four of my varieties - Autumn King, Norwich, Darina and Kelly.

Well, that's the extent of my harvest this week. I'm linking my post to Dave's Harvest Monday, over on Our Happy Acres.